The future of product content
In the beginning, eCommerce content was more of an afterthought than a strategy, but over the years the product content has become the lifebloodof every eCommerce site.
Product content is the eCommerce equivalent of a retail Sales associate.Good content can better engage site visitors, improve the conversion rateand lower the cost of acquiring new customers while it drives new trafficto the site. As a result, the battle for the customer is going to passdirectly through the product content.
The future of product content is a world that automates the most difficult aspects of building a content strategy. Imagine a world where product content is managed from a central console that provides insight into the content strategies that are most likely to drive more revenue.
Content Monitoring
Track your competitors’ content strategy, track new content strategies and put yourself in a position to respond to competitive threats.

Content Analytics
Measure your return on content and test multiple content strategies to discover the techniques that will optimize a site’s customer acquisition.
Conversion Content
eCommerce content has to work harder than just features and benefits. It needs to connect with the buyer’s purchase journey, establish the product’s value and then overcome any objections the shopper may have.

Content Strategy
Every product needs its own micro product strategy andthe future of content will see this process automated totarget specific keywords and a custom content strategy designed to displace competitors.
Custom Content
Today’s one-size-fits-all manufacturer supplied content will be long gone. Product manufacturers and sellers will eagerly customize content to the site, search algorithm and its customers.

Content Publishing
Today’s publishing process can be complicated in most organizations, testing different content strategies will be as simple as pushing a button with NO IT department help required.
The future of product content is certainly bright. It’s clear that the product page is already the center of the eCommerce universe and its brightness will intensify as the fight for customers intensifies.