
for eCommerce

Google Analytics Add-on
Software for eCommerce Teams.

Get Smart with eZanalytics

eZanalytics completes Google Analytics for eCommerce sites

• Organizes Google Analytics for your site’s breadcrumb taxonomy

• Easily compare category analytics and test category optimization strategies

• Quickly access and compare by acquisition channel the eCommerce big six metrics 

• Solves the “data sampling” problem that limits the ability to access complete product-level analytics data from Google Analytics

• Access Google Analytics while you browse your eCommerce site

• An IT-free solution that leverages Google Analytics security

• Get alerted to leading indicators of competitive threats

• Get the complete eZanalytics datasheet 

• Get eZanalytics pricing information

eZanalytics Features


eZ Query

Google Analytics (GA) is a powerful tool but it’s difficult to get complete product-level acquisition analytics for eCommerce sites.GA can quietly shift to “sample data” making it difficult to get complete product and category level analytics. GA is also organized by URL, instead of by product, the way eCommerce sites are organized.

eZquery calculates analytics by product and category. eZquery presents a complete picture of all product data.

eZquery makes it easy to compare and contrast analytics, test strategies and drive increases in traffic, sales and conversions.

eZquery uses the taxonomy and updates regularly with no programming or maintenance required. eZquery uses eZdia’s CrewMachine platform to make data acquisition easy for non-programmers and non-analysts.


eZ Alerts

Managing an eCommerce site requires keeping a close eye on thousands and thousands of products all at the same time. While Google Analytics offers a simple alert system, it’s designed to be set up URL by URL and makes it more difficult to track large volumes of products looking for abnormalities.

eZalert monitors the core eCommerce metrics making it easy to react to significant changes at either the product or the category level.

For example, eZalert could trigger a custom notification designed to alert for a dramatic drop in organic traffic sending a clear signal of a competitive content threat. Or maybe eZalert is set to trigger when it sees a dramatic increase in the conversion rate to a product group suggesting the need for a price review to see if there is enough strength to increase the price.

eZalert looks for abnormalities in the core eCommerce analytics and helps give any marketing team a head start on competitive threats and help prioritize which products and categories to optimize for growth.


eZ Browse

eZbrowse brings Google Analytics data to your website. Using the secure Google Analytics connection, eZbrowse provides mouseover analytics for every product and sums analytics data across the full breadcrumb. The result is that everyone on the team can have analytics-as-they-browse. This is a perfect solution for anyone on the Marketing team that lacks either the patience or the skills required for Google Analytics.

eZbrowse delivers ultra-fast access to data because every animation and calculation is pre-built the night before. Instead of running queries as the user browses through a site, eZbrowse access pre-built reports that results in query-free access to product and category analytics.

eZbrowse acts as a mini-dashboard as you browse the site and also provides direct access to the more robust tools: eZquery and eZalert.

Free 30-Day Trial

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eZanalytics Extension
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Training: Analytics


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