Q: What is eZanalytics and how does it work?
eZanalytics crawls the Google Analytics data on a daily basis and presents analytics the same way eCommerce sites manage their business: at the category and product level. It solves the problem of “sample data”, gives non-GA users an overlay to see analytics while browsing their site and notifies users about key analytics changes that require action.
Q: What type of data does eZanalytics show?
Q: How is page data calculated?
Q: What type of pages will have eZanalytics data?
A: eZanalytics will provide the data for all website pages present in Google Analytics and group them into four primary page types Home, Category, Product & Other.
Q: How is page data different from Google Analytics?
eZanalytics has the ability to distribute the page data for a category and products within that category.
Q: What are Alerts?
A: An alert on eZanalytics is a custom-defined trigger that notifies you after a significant change in traffic (sessions), transactions, or revenue and it can do it at the product or category level.
eZanalytics alert system is easy to use and configurable. You can set different kinds of alerts in eZanalytics to keep track of your eCommerce store pages like:
- If conversion rate decreased or increased by x% for a product page or category or both.
- If sessions decreased or increased by x% for a product page or category or both.
- If transactions decreased or increased by x% for a product page or category or both.
- If revenue decreased or increased by x% for a product page or category or both.
Q: How do I optimize low-performing eCommerce pages?
- A: Based on the eZanalytics notification type, you could optimize the low-performing eCommerce pages. Below are the details:
- If Conversion Rate Has Dropped – Conversion rate is usually associated with page quality. So, having a well-structured web page helps in improving the conversion rate. The key elements to check are:
- Detailed product copy including the key features and attributes.
- Good product images and videos
- Product FAQs
- Free shipping and specials offer
- Good shopping cart experience
- Show contact info and offer live chat
- Good site filters
- Product reviews
- Clear, big calls to action
Etc..Optimizing the above elements of an eCommerce page facing conversion rate drop will help to recover and improve the performance.If the session has dropped – There could be a different prospect of session drop like:
Is the decline is a sharp, sudden drop-off, or a slow and steady decline?
Did the traffic only dip for a few days?
Does it look like the traffic is beginning to recover on its own?if the drop was sharp, sudden, and isn’t recovering then the website could be suffering from a Google penalty. However, if the dip only lasts a few days and looks like it’s recovering on its own, the website may have just had connectivity issues that were fixed over a few days.
To improve the performance of an eCommerce page facing sessions drop issue, you should analyze the following:
Check out the Google algorithm changes
Check out the search console for any penalty
Check out the backlinks losses
Check out the targeted keyword’s ranking trend. Lower search rankings that in turn lead to traffic drops.
Fix Page Redesign/Updates Issues
Fix Technical SEO Issues
Fix Low-Quality Content. Google punishes low-quality content and rewards high-quality content.
Fix the Meta Title and Description to improve the CTR.If conversion has dropped – A decrease in the transaction is the most critical metric to observe and fix. You should consider the following to improve the conversions on an eCommerce page:
Re-analyze your landing page experience.
Improve the shopping cart experience of users.
If the account creation process takes too long or there’s an issue on the payment page, we should fix it.
Send a pop-up or email notification to website visitors, offering a discount.
Optimizing or simplifying the checkout process.
Make the page more user friendly via adding the conversion content on product page including the enhanced product images/videos, description, specifications, attributes, faqs, etc.
Q: How can I track performance for optimized eCommerce pages?
A: In eZanalytics, there is an option to tag a set of pages that you would like to monitor closely using Add pages to list(see below screenshot from chrome plugin), and then you can go to the Crewmachine to see the overall performance of these tagged pages.
Also, If you just want to see the performance of pages one by one, then you need to open that page in the browser and then you can see the performance of that page in eZanalytics plugin(with graphical representation) for the last 30 days at the bottom under “Page Performance” section.
Q: What performance metrics can I track?
- A: The most successful eCommerce businesses make decisions based on metrics. They know the state of their store’s performance at all times and know which levers to push to grow.There are thousands of metrics we can track, but only a few of them are directly connected to revenue optimization and can be turned into actionable insights that help eCommerce business grow.
Let’s talk about the most important eCommerce Analytics metrics we should track.
- Sessions
- Conversions
- Revenue
- Conversion Rate
- Order Value
- Revenue Per Session
Q: How much does eZanalytics cost?
eZdia offers 3 packages:
<5,000 products & 5 user licenses $99 per month
5,000-20,000 products & 10 user licenses $199 per month
20,000 – 100,000 products & 20 user licenses $499 per month
> 100,000 Click Here to Speak to a Sales Rep
Q: Do I need Google Analytics to use eZanalytics?
Yes. In order for eZanalytics to present taxonomy-based analytics data, we need access to client’s Google Analytics account to retrieve product-level data on a daily basis.
Q: Do I need Google Chrome to use eZanalytics?
Yes. eZanalytics is a browser-based software solution with an accompanying Chrome extension. In order to experience the full value of eZanalytics, we recommend you have a Chrome browser.
Q: Can I create eZalerts for all pages?
No. You can only create eZalerts for breadcrumb pages: Home, Category, and Product pages. eZanalytics will not allow you to create alerts for other pages, such as, Contact Us, About Us, Blog Pages, or other non-selling pages
Q: How do I set up my eZalerts?
You can set up eZalerts by clicking on ‘Add New Rule’ in eZalerts. Please refer to the User Guide for more information.
Q: How canI receive eZalert notifications?
A summary of daily eZalerts that have been triggered is sent via email every morning. In addition, when you access eZanalytics through the Chrome extension, you will immediately see a number representing the new alerts.
Q: What are Lists on eZanalytics?
A List can be anything from a single bookmarked product to a customized selection of Category and Product pages. For example, you can create a new list and add multiple pages to that list or you can add pages to an existing list and track performance over time. List names can be changed and can be deleted by leaving the field blank.
Q: Can I create a specific eZalert for my List?
No. Alerts can only be created for Category or Product pages or both.
Q: Can I share my List with my colleagues?
Yes. You can filter by your List and select all the Category and Product pages to share.
Q: How can I request access?
If your company has an eZdia Crew Machine account, you can request access by emailing support@ezdia.com or by asking a colleague to share eZ Query or eZ Alerts data with you by selecting the pages and clicking on ‘Share’. If your company does not have access, you can sign up for a free trial here.
Q: How do I reset my eZanalytics password?
We use Google sign-in for accessing eZanalytics. Therefore, you must reset your password through Google Analytics.
Q: How is eZanalytics data secured?
eZanalytics application data is secured in transit using TLS, and encrypted at rest in eZdia’s proprietary analytics database format. eZanalytics logically separates user data, and access to your data is protected by strong authentication and authorization controls. eZdia monitors application servers, infrastructure, and the Mixpanel network environment to detect potential abuse. eZdia uses Amazon Web Services (“AWS”) to persistently store customer data and does not host customer data on its premises or store customer data with any other third party services. Customer data sent to eZdia and ingested around the world is sent to AWS data centers located in the United States.
Q: How secure is the chrome extension?
eZanalytics complies with Googles Content Security Policy to prevent cross-site scripting attacks. This allows us to create an allowlist of sources of trusted content, and instructs the browser to only execute or render resources from those sources.
Q: How do I delete my account and make sure my data is erased?
Please contact support@ezdia.com to delete your eZanalytics company account or individual profile. We will ensure all company or individual accounts data is deleted.
Q: How do I filter and sort analytics and eZalerts data in eZanalytics?
eZquery is designed to allow for filtering, sorting, exporting and sharing data. The custom search feature will allow you to filter while you can sort your data by clicking on the column headers. Please refer to the User Guide for more information.
Q: How can I view eZanalytics data from a breadcrumb?
Open any page on the eCommerce site. Click the eZanalytics icon in the extensions section of the browser, log in to the eZanalytics on its CrewMachine platform. Now you should be able to visit the home page or any category or product page and clicking the eZanalytics extension icon will deliver the eZbrowse dashboard with data specific to that page. If a breadcrumb is visible on the page, mousing over the eZ icon in the breadcrumb will deliver summary data for all products in the breadcrumb category.
Q: What does the Chrome extension do?
The eZanalytics Chrome extension allows you to browse your website taxonomy with eZanalytics data ready to view at your fingertips. You can hover over the breadcrumb or click on the Chrome extension button to view data for that page.
Q: How can I contact eZdia?
You can contact eZdia by sending an email to support@ezdia.com or by scheduling a meeting here.
Q: Can I create a support ticket?
Yes. Go to our Support ticket page and enter detailed information regarding your issue. Our support team will respond shortly thereafter.